Thursday, August 27, 2009

What makes a good girlfriend or Wife?

Granted not everyone will agree on what makes a good girlfriend/wife. Simple because everyone has different wants and need and all together different standards..This is all in my opinion what makes a good girlfriend/wife.

**--She's independant.

No man wants a woman he has to do EVERYTHING for. Yes, us women like our man to spoil us everyonce in a while but still should just appreciate it rather than take advantage of it. If your man out of the blue gives you money to go shopping or buys you nice things SHOW him how much it means. In my view i think a man wants a woman that can stand on her own 2 feet. Also a woman that is able to enjoy time away from her man, yet when they are together she lets him know she's been missin' him..atleast show him he's crossed your mind while gone. I feel as a man has the ability to spoil they're woman, the woman should do the same sometimes..While at the store get him something doesnt always have to be big..Gotta remember its the little things that counts..He'd like to see you've thought of him while out shoppin ect.

**--She's not a ditz

Men like to figure out what they're woman is really thinking about behind them glazed eyes..or if she is even thinking at all!..A smart woman can surprise him and keep him on his toes, not get so bored tired of her. Its always nice to just talk.


need i say more? Find me a man that doesnt want a woman to be sexual..or even give a couple surprises every once in a while.


Yup, your beautiful in his eyes. A good girlfriend/wife dont only want to look good for you, but also for herself. Im not saying she has to have her assets out 27/7, i mean as long as shes well put together..She doest have to be perfect but in her own way she shows her beauty, thats what makes any girl beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


If yall are out and about or whatever the case maybe..if she has a problem she waits to discuss it in private. Not go all crazy infront of random people about stupid stuff..Yeah all women are different some its nature to just come out and say fuck this and fuck that and fuck you but key is does she know how to bite her tounge a little more..Or atleast try?

**--Lets him be a man!

Just like a man shouldnt stop you from shopping, You shouldnt stop him from hanging with the fellas. What i think is, yeah men need their space BUT dont disrespect your girl while she's not there and doesnt know what goes down..Meaning she's letting you chill or do whatever with your fellas while your out, why would u let a woman even try to play the part of your girl in any type of flirting..sexual..ect. I think if a woman knows her man wouldnt disrespect her in that way letting him out with the fellas without arguing about it later would make everything better. PLUS makes the relationship stronger ; just that much better.

**--She loves him

She loves him for who he really is ; not the who you pretent or try to be sometimes.(that makes her more of a keeper) All women have annoying habits that their man has to contend with but if she really loves him, she will be able to cope also. Also if a surprise visit or phone call from him makes her light up, there is NO denying that she loves him..

**--She makes him wanna be a better man

And what man wouldnt want that one woman that has the ability to do that?

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